Sunday, November 25, 2018

JBL E25BT Bluetooth Earphones

The JBL E25BT earphones are my current earphones that I use at work. It is a reasonably priced set of earphones that have the muti-point feature, which allows simultaneous connections to 2 devices, such as the laptop and handphone, at the same time.

After pairing has been done properly with the laptop and handphone, the 2 devices will always be connected automatically and ready for use once the earphone is powered on.

During normal usage, the sound on the laptop will be muted when there is an incoming call on the phone. When the call has ended, the sound from the laptop will resume. These are done automatically without you having to switch connection manually between the 2 devices.

In the office I can always wear them and be ready to answer any phone calls or listen to web conferences. I could even join conference calls using them while on the way to work or while commuting between venues.

Click here for the technical specifications.

Saturday, November 24, 2018


I came across an inspirational "Aunt Agony" article on 联合早报 by 袁凤珠. I thought I had to document it down.

The original link is at and the actual text is re-produced as below.






你必需好好地省察自己,一个人一生最失败的,不是他的学业、婚姻、事业,而是不认识自己,不能正确地评估自己的价值。不要看自己过于所当看的,你最大的工作,就是去找一份适当自己的事业。心是一块田,快乐自己种 ,如果你有一颗宽阔的心胸,有一颗善良的心,有一颗充满生机的心,你就是播下了快乐的种子,就会收获一颗快乐的果子。







一场好哭之后,给自己一份坚毅,擦干眼泪;给自己一份自信,不卑不亢; 给自己一份洒脱,然后悠然前行人生的路途中。人的脆弱和坚强都超乎自己的想象。有时,可能脆弱得一句话就泪流满面,有时,也发现自己咬着牙可以走了很长的路。即使你跌倒也要面向太阳,就请锻炼一份美丽的心情吧。所谓天助自助者,你要加油,再加油!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Why I Started Jogging In The Late Evenings

As I grew older, I found myself spending my time in the evenings (after the kid has gone to sleep) browsing the web and looking at Facebook, scrolling non-stop night after night, not turning in earlier than 1-2am.

It struck me one night that this cannot go on and that I am spending my time in an un-productive manner. I decided to start my jogging regime after the kid has gone to sleep, at least twice per week. (Could no longer manage 3 runs per week which I used to when I was in my 30s).

Later on I had signed up for gym since I can run without the mercy of the weather and could also do some endurance training on weights as well.

So far so good. Running helps to induce endorphins and after a run all worries seem to matter much less. You are also more ready to take on the work stress the next day and face that same problem with less strain on your heart, literally.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Nikon D7500

My favourite camera brand remains as Nikon and I got myself upgraded to D7500 from D7000 earlier this year.
Consideration factors:
  • Tilting TFT touch-sensitive LCD. This adds flexibility to the type of shots I want to take.
  • Information display on the top-right LCD panel. This eliminates the lower end cameras without such a feature. This is important in my shooting workflow.
  • Full-frame camera is not necessary. This eliminates the top-end full-frame camera meant for professionals.
All these factors led me to the specific choice of Nikon D7500.

For a full specifications do refer to