Saturday, October 6, 2007

please recycle

This morning was at IMM Giant to do some groceries shopping. brought along two of these 环保袋 in the hope of "saving the environment" (wah...)

when it was my turn to pay up, the cashier habitually grabbed some plastic bags and started packing the groceries in. i quickly alerted her that i had brought along the 环保袋 which were placed inside the shopping basket.

while preparing the groceries for dinner in the kitchen just now, a thought struck me: oh no, how am i supposed to pack and discard the left-overs after cooking tonight? i actually missed those plastic bags, and the thought of the plastic bags running out if there are no new ones coming in from the groceries shopping actually left me wondering for a while.

it is still not common to see pple using the 环保袋 and not common for cashiers to be ready and looking out for it. plastic bags had been so common in the lives of Singaporeans that we have forgotten their existence and prevelance. nevertheless saving the environment is at a point of no return for human-kind now. i guess those who take the first steps will be more than willing to accomodate the little inconveniences for a better cause?

maybe in a few years i would be ready for a 环保车 as well, heh.

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