Saturday, October 6, 2007

please recycle

This morning was at IMM Giant to do some groceries shopping. brought along two of these 环保袋 in the hope of "saving the environment" (wah...)

when it was my turn to pay up, the cashier habitually grabbed some plastic bags and started packing the groceries in. i quickly alerted her that i had brought along the 环保袋 which were placed inside the shopping basket.

while preparing the groceries for dinner in the kitchen just now, a thought struck me: oh no, how am i supposed to pack and discard the left-overs after cooking tonight? i actually missed those plastic bags, and the thought of the plastic bags running out if there are no new ones coming in from the groceries shopping actually left me wondering for a while.

it is still not common to see pple using the 环保袋 and not common for cashiers to be ready and looking out for it. plastic bags had been so common in the lives of Singaporeans that we have forgotten their existence and prevelance. nevertheless saving the environment is at a point of no return for human-kind now. i guess those who take the first steps will be more than willing to accomodate the little inconveniences for a better cause?

maybe in a few years i would be ready for a 环保车 as well, heh.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

the next windows server operating system

this was the first bootup after the windows 2008 operating system (release candidate 0) has been installed. i wonder what would happen if i clicked on cancel.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

honda civic part 5

finally got a chance to take pictures for it.
changed the front number plate and garnish to an elongated one instead of the original squarish number plate.

upgraded my rims to 17" replica of the OZ ultraleggera. the stock rim was 16".
many says this tail-light looks like the nissan skyline, but i think it is also a matter of how to adapt good things as your own creation.
the chrome twin exhaust pipes.

Friday, September 21, 2007

street singer

was having dinner with my wife at tiong bahru when we saw and heard this gentleman singing with his guitar plugged into an amplifier.

the repertoirs ranged from chinese to hokkien and english songs. solid grips and plucks/strumming on the guitar, though singing is only so-so, but great entertainment throughout dinner though. reminds me of 陈伟联.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

the kid

was meeting my sister-in-law's friend a few weeks ago who brought along her cute baby boy LeRoy. this is a picture of him enjoying his drink.
pls don't be mistaken, he was actually the one holding the cap, not me.

my wife took a shot with him too, and the two tomatoes.

and these are pictures of him, without non-essential people around. he looks alot like mum.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

honda civic part 4

->keyhole ring light

got the lobang from a brother in the forum

it helps when you need to insert the key to crank the engine when the lights in the MSCP are off just after 7am.

the keyhole ring light comes on as soon as the car is unlocked via the remote, then goes off after the engine is started. it comes on again when the engine is off and the key is out of the keyhole, and goes off again when the car is parked and locked. it operates like the cabin roof light since they share the same circuitry.

this piece of engineering is definitely smarter than my previous toyota vios where the cabin roof light operates based on the car doors being opened or shut. usually you still need the light even though the door is shut.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

honda civic part 3

->honda civic type r car key

looks fierce with the red honda badge. will be getting that black housing panel to replace mine soon..

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

chinese car names

the other day the mother-in-law was asking about the new car. she could not remember the english name well and so she asked for the chinese name. for honda it is 本田and civic is 思域(思想的领域). the wife jumped when she thought she heard 私欲(私人的欲望) or whatever it was. had a good laugh, haha.

hmm, then my previous car would have been called 丰田威驰(威风,驰骋). no prize for guessing what it is in english or japanese!

honda civic part 2

->honda civic car key and key chain

collected my new honda civic last tuesday (3rd jul 2007). still getting used to it and figuring out what most of the gadgets can do. until i can find the time to take really nice pictures with it, here is a "trailer" -> more exciting than transformers ok!

Friday, June 15, 2007

honda civic part 1

yesterday afternoon the sales engineer from kah motors called to tell me that my honda civic has reached the shores of singapore, and we can start preparing to collect the car soon.
